Despite the fact that during this period we still do not have the opportunity to travel, within the Erasmus + project LO-VE we travelled virtually 5 Fridays to Finland.
For ex. Slovak pupils traveled to Finland at the end of April. Some 6th and 7th graders took part in an online chat with students from Kirkkonumi, Finland, to talk to each other to improve their English communication skills. While Slovak students had a video call from the comfort of their homes, many Finnish students were still connecting from the school environment, as their teaching time was longer in the afternoon.
After an initial welcome, the Finnish partner of the LO-VE project introduced to our students the spaces of the school and classrooms, which are characterized by "open space". After a short introduction, the students were divided into groups, where the main topic of the video call was - "Animals". They talked about their pets or favorite animals. Filipko Fujak (7.A) excellently documented in his presentation a general overview of animals living in Slovakia. Our students approached this task responsibly and prepared some interesting questions.
The video call was successful. Students made new friends and are already looking forward to another opportunity to meet again.
Talking about the animals in the countries - Slovakia/Finland
Tomáško (6.B): “What I liked the most was that when I asked about another topic, they knew how to answer right away and it was a good experience. I was shocked by the fact that they ate reindeer meat and told us that this kind of meat is really good. I definitely want to get involved again."
Croatia/Finland |
Croatia/Finland |
Last meeting on the 7th of May was Spain/Finland. |
End of April - meeting Slovakia/Finland. |
Evka (6.B):" I had a new experience. Sometimes I understood more, sometimes less, but I liked to practice my English live."
Palko (7.C):" It was great, I would take part in it the next time as well. "
Ninka and Sofia (6.B): "We liked that there was no silence and someone was still talking... We are still writing with Elle and Rosa."
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